How To Get A Hair Out Of Your Throat?

When hair gets stuck in your throat, it can be an annoying and uncomfortable sensation. It may cause irritation, difficulty swallowing, and even coughing fits. You can try several simple methods to remove the hair and find relief. From coughing and drinking water to using home remedies like saltwater gargles or swallowing a small banana, these techniques can help remove hair and ease discomfort.

Imagine sitting down to enjoy a delicious meal or engage in a conversation, only to have a hair suddenly lodged in your throat. Now you think about how to get the hair out of your throat; it’s an irritating experience that demands immediate attention. So, let’s dive into the different ways to tackle this predicament head-on!

Before we proceed, it’s essential to understand why hair in your throat can cause such discomfort. When a follicle gets stuck, it irritates the sensitive lining of your throat, triggering a natural reflex to cough or gag. Anyhow, coughing alone may not always dislodge the hair. Let’s explore some effective methods to remove it.

Home Remedies for Removing a Hair from Your Throat

Home remedies such as drinking water, gargling with salt water, or swallowing a small banana can help dislodge a hair stuck in your throat. These simple techniques offer relief and reduce discomfort. 

Gargle with Salt Water

One of the most straightforward and accessible remedies is gargling with warm salt water. The saline solution helps soothe your throat and may dislodge the hair. To prepare the gargle, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in warm water. Gargle for 30 seconds, then spit out the water. Repeat this process a few times until you feel relief.

Gargle with Salt Wate
Gargle with Salt Wate

Drink Carbonated Beverages

Believe it or not, carbonated beverages like club soda or sparkling water can help remove hair from your throat. The fizziness and bubbles can create a sensation that may dislodge the hair. Take small sips, allowing the carbonation to work its magic. Remember to choose non-caffeinated, non-alcoholic options to avoid dehydration.

Consume Olive Oil or Honey

Both olive oil and honey have lubricating properties that ease the passage of hair stuck in your throat. Take a teaspoon of either olive oil or honey, slowly swallow it, and let it coat your throat. The slippery texture may help the hair slide down or become easier to cough up.

Swallowing a Banana

Believe it or not, swallowing a small banana without chewing can help remove hair from your throat. The sticky texture of the banana can attract the hair, allowing you to swallow it along with the fruit. Choose a small piece of banana and swallow it carefully, ensuring you don’t choke in the process. This method may only work for some, but it’s worth a try.

Honey and Vinegar Mixture

A mixture of honey and vinegar can act as a natural lubricant and help ease the discomfort caused by hair in your throat. Mix one tablespoon of honey with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Take a small sip of the mixture and let it coat the back of your throat. The slippery texture of the mix can facilitate the movement of the hair, making it easier to remove. Remember to spit out the mixture after a few seconds.

Eating Marshmallows

Marshmallows can provide relief when you have hair stuck in your throat. The soft and spongy texture of marshmallows can help push the hair along as you swallow them. Take small bites of a marshmallow and eat them slowly, allowing the hair to move with the marshmallow down your throat. Yet, be mindful of your swallowing and avoid choking hazards by taking small bites.

Tickling with a Cotton Swab

If the hair is visible and within reach, you can try tickling it with a cotton swab. Use a clean cotton swab and maneuver it toward the area where you feel the hair. Touch and massage the hair to encourage it to move. Avoid pushing the hair more deeply into your throat or causing injury. If you’re uncomfortable doing this yourself, seek help from a medical professional.

Advanced Techniques to Remove a Hair from Your Throat

The below-mentioned techniques provide targeted support in resolving the issue of how to get hair out of your throat and find relief.

Try the “Cup of Water” Method

This technique involves drinking a cup of water while bending forward at the waist. By creating a vacuum effect, this method may help dislodge the hair from your throat. Lean forward, take a small sip of water, and swallow while maintaining the forward position. Repeat this process several times, allowing the hair to move or come loose.

Cough with Force

Sometimes a simple cough is insufficient to remove a hair from your throat. Try coughing forcefully while maintaining an upright posture. This technique can generate enough pressure to expel the hair. Still, be cautious not to cough excessively, as it may lead to throat irritation or strain.

Seek Medical Assistance

If home remedies fail to remove the lodged hair from your throat, it’s best to seek medical support. They safely remove the hair using suitable methods.


Can swallowing food help dislodge a hair stuck in my throat?

Solid food can sometimes dislodge the hair by pushing it down the esophagus. Avoid consuming large or complex pieces of food, as they can worsen the discomfort or cause choking hazards. Stick to softer foods that are easier to swallow.

What is the hair-like substance in the throat?

The hair-like substance in the throat is most likely actual hair that has become stuck, causing discomfort.

What happens if you accidentally swallow hair? 

Accidentally swallowing hair is generally harmless, as it will pass through the digestive system without causing any issues.

How long does it usually take for hair to come out of the throat naturally?

The time it takes for hair to come out of the throat naturally varies from person to person. In most cases, the hair will pass through the digestive system within a few days. If the discomfort persists or worsens, it is best to consult a healthcare professional.


In conclusion, how to get the hair out of your throat? Dealing with hair stuck in your throat can be an annoying and uncomfortable experience. You can try several methods to decrease the discomfort and remove the hair. Everyone has options, from simple home remedies like gargling with salt water or consuming olive oil to more advanced techniques like the “Cup of Water” method or seeking medical assistance.

Remember, seeking medical attention is crucial if the hair remains stuck or causes severe symptoms. The healthcare professionals can provide appropriate guidance and ensure your safety.

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